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Daily (15.09.2021): European Cal’22 power prices spiked to new record highs in tandem with gas

Oil prices set largely unchanged on Tuesday as concerns about Hurricane Nicholas’ threat to crude supply in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico faded. Hence, Brent crude ended rather stable at $73.60 a barrel. U.S. WTI crude was stable at $70.46 a barrel.

read more... 15/09/2021


Italy eying power bill reform as energy costs soar

Italy is looking to review the way electricity bills are calculated in an effort to curb prices at a time when energy costs are running high, two sources familiar with the matter said on Tuesday.

read more... 15/09/2021


EU ETS, renewables not behind energy hikes

Faced with increasing energy prices, the EU should speed up rather than slow down the transition to renewable energy, said European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans.

read more... 15/09/2021


France plans new structure to develop PPAs

France is working on a plan to facilitate industrial consumers' access to power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable power plant developers, likely to be implemented next year.

read more... 15/09/2021


Daily (14.09.2021): Crude oil prices climbed at their highest level in around 6 weeks as supply disruptions linger

Crude oil prices climbed to a six-week high on Monday as a slow return of production in the U.S. Gulf outweighs some bearish notes set by the OPEC. The producer’s group recently cut their demand growth outlook for the fourth quarter due to the impact of the Delta variant. Hence, Brent crude increased by 0.8% to settle at $73.51 a barrel. U.S. WTI crude rose by 1% to close at $70.45 a barrel.

read more... 14/09/2021
