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Germany agrees 200 bln euro package to shield against surging energy prices

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz set out a 200 billion euro ($194 billion) "defensive shield", including a gas price brake and a cut in sales tax for the fuel, to protect companies and households from the impact of soaring energy prices.

read more... 30/09/2022


EU tells countries gas price cap would come with risks

The European Commission has warned EU countries that a broad cap on gas prices could be complex to launch and pose risks to energy security, amid calls from countries for Brussels to step in to tame high fuel prices.

read more... 30/09/2022


EU vows to protect energy network after 'sabotage' of Russian gas pipeline

The European Union on Wednesday promised a "robust" response to any intentional disruption of its energy infrastructure after saying it suspected sabotage was behind gas leaks discovered this week on subsea Russian pipelines to Europe.

read more... 30/09/2022


Daily (29.09.2022): Oil prices soared amid supply concerns due to Hurricane Ian in the US

Oil prices increased on Wednesday, amid concerns about supply due to expected interruptions in the US Gulf of Mexico production as Hurricane Ian nears Florida. Consequently, Brent crude soared by 3.5% to $89.32 a barrel, and WTI oil raised by 4.6% to $82.15 a barrel.

read more... 29/09/2022


EU countries at odds over possible gas price cap

European Union countries were at odds on Wednesday over whether to cap gas prices in the bloc, with France, Belgium and 13 other states stepping up their call for the move opposed by Germany and others.

read more... 29/09/2022
