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EU drafts plan to avoid disputes over green energy mega-projects

The European Union will set out how its member countries should jointly develop major renewable energy projects, in a bid to avoid projects being delayed by disputes over splitting the bill, a document seen by Reuters showed.

read more... 27/06/2024


German gas caverns not far off winter targets at 79% full

Germany's natural gas caverns, at just over 79% capacity, are not far off legally-required filling levels for the coming 2024/25 winter, an industry executive said.

read more... 27/06/2024


RWE secures planning permit for 660MW Nordseecluster A

RWE has secured planning approval for its 660MW Nordseecluster A offshore wind project in Germany from the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency.

read more... 27/06/2024


Daily(26.06.2024) : Higher gas and carbon prices lent support to year-ahead power prices on Tuesday

Oil price fell on Tuesday as bearish market fundamentals put pressure on prices. Brent crude decreased by over 1% to $85.01 a barrel and WTI crude fell by 1 % $80.83 per barrel, despite rising geopolitical tensions.

read more... 26/06/2024


VW Group, Rivian forming joint venture for EV software; VW commits $5 billion

Volkswagen Group and Rivian are forming a joint venture to create what the companies are calling next-generation electrical architectures and software technology.

read more... 26/06/2024
