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EDF and Respect Energy to develop nuclear projects in Poland

French energy company EDF has signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with Polish electric utility Respect Energy to jointly develop nuclear power projects in Poland.

read more... 17/01/2023


Germany in talks with Iraq over possible gas imports

Germany is in talks with Iraq over the possibility of importing natural gas from the oil-rich country, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Friday, as Berlin scrambles to diversify its energy sources to replace a drop in Russian fossil fuel shipments.

read more... 17/01/2023


Daily (16.01.2023): NBP spot rose by nearly 4% on Friday on forecasts of colder weather

Crude oil prices continued to gain ground on Friday, driven by the rising Chinese demand and the prospect of easing inflationary pressures. As a result, Brent crude oil rose by $1.25, or 1.4 percent, to $85.28 a barrel. U.S. WTI crude oil settled at $79.86 a barrel, gaining $1.4, or almost 2%%, on a day-over-day basis.

read more... 16/01/2023


Denmark's Orsted seeks permits for 15 GW new offshore wind in Sweden

Denmark's Orsted has applied for permits to build 15 gigawatt (GW) of new Swedish offshore wind capacity, which could be up and running by 2032, helping to lower power prices and foster new green industries, the company said on Monday.

read more... 16/01/2023


Eni, Chevron announce new gas discovery in Egyptian East Med field

Italian energy group Eni and U.S. energy major Chevron said on Sunday they had made a new gas discovery in an Egyptian offshore field in the Eastern Mediterranean sea.

read more... 16/01/2023
