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Gazprom: exports to European states up

Russia Federation had massively exported gas to several European countries, through its giant gas company Gazprom, to appease the fears about losing market share to its existing rivals.

read more... 12/05/2010


Solar electricity could reach 22 percent of global power supply by 2050

According to the International Energy Agency(IEA), solar electricity could provide up to a quarter of the world's power by 2050, thus cutting greenhouse gas emissions by almost 6 billion tonnes and reducing the dependence on fossil fuels, though government support is imperative in the next decade.

read more... 12/05/2010


The oil price decreases bellow $76 per barrel

On Wednesday, the oil price dropped again, this time bellow $76 per barrel, due to the worries concerning the incapacity of the emerging economies to compensate the cuts of the oil consumption during the debt crisis initiated in Europe.

read more... 12/05/2010


RWE Innogy to use offshore wind area on German port

RWE Innogy has concluded an arrangement with Eurogate Container Terminal Bremerhaven on use of sites in the Bremerhaven container port, with the purpose of building its offshore Nordsee Ost wind farm.

read more... 11/05/2010


Vattenfall's German grid in sale process to Elia

Elia, Belgian power grid operator, and its Australian partner, agreed with EU regulatory clearance concerning Vattenfall acquisition, a Swedish power company and a German high-voltage grid.

read more... 11/05/2010
