Latest news

France among the less polluter in the world

With an annual amount of 9 tons of CO2 emissions per inhabitant, France has lower CO2 emissions than other most developed countries, due to the dominance of non-releasing gas emissions generating power sources: nuclear (77%) and hydroelectricity (12%).

read more... 21/06/2010


Chevron has signed a partnership deal with Russian oil giant Rossneft

American oil company Chevron and Russian state-owned Rossneft agreed upon exploiting together the Black Sea shelf.

read more... 18/06/2010


New coal plant to be built by GDF Suez in Poland

A new joint venture was announced by GDF Suez to built a new coal plant together with the state-owned polish giant PGE.

read more... 18/06/2010


Newest offshore wind farm of DONG Energy was inaugurated in UK

DONG Energy, the Danish energy company, has inaugurated its newest offshore wind farm, of a 172 MW capacity, called Gunfleet Sands, off the Essex coast in the UK, enough to supply power to 125,000 households.

read more... 18/06/2010


Gas demand in Spain increased by 0.3% in May

Spanish gas demand increased by 0.3% in May after a decrease in April, according to gas grid operator Enagas on Wednesday.

read more... 17/06/2010
