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EU companies can get as much in EU aid as US subsidies under looser rules

EU businesses can get as much government funding as from a U.S. green energy subsidy package, under looser European Commission rules announced on Thursday aimed at keeping them in Europe.

read more... 13/03/2023


Daily (10.03.2023): Concerns over French nuclear generation contributed to the rise in forward electricity prices on Thursday

On Thursday, oil prices declined as traders continued to worry about the effects of excessive monetary tightening on the economy rather than the market fundamentals. As a result, Brent crude ended $1.07, or 1.3%, down at $81.99 a barrel.

read more... 10/03/2023


EU energy chief tells companies not to sign new Russian LNG deals

European Union countries and companies should not sign new contracts to buy Russian liquefied natural gas, as part of the bloc's attempt to end its energy dependence on Moscow, the EU's energy policy chief said on Thursday.

read more... 10/03/2023


EC favours Nordic-style power market in draft reforms

The European Commission favours a Nordic-style power market with regional virtual trading hubs for all of the EU, according to an unofficial draft of its reform proposals expected next Thursday.

read more... 10/03/2023


Poland votes on wind farms as global firms urge easing of rules

The Polish parliament will decide on Thursday whether to adopt some of Europe’s strictest rules on developing wind farms amid expectations of backtracking on a proposal that had aimed to double existing capacity.

read more... 10/03/2023
