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Global clean power growth hits milestone in 2019

Renewable energy generation increased last year for the first time by more than a rise in global energy demand, though growth remained too slow to hit climate targets, an industry group said on Monday.

read more... 21/04/2020


Daily (20.04.2020): The British spot gas price plunged by 7% to 13.25 p/therm on Friday due to a weak demand and an oversupplied system

Crude oil futures evolved differently on Friday, with U.S. WTI crude at 18-year lows as bearish Chinese economic figures and growing U.S. supplies overshadowed Trump’s plan to ease lockdown measures.

read more... 20/04/2020


Austria shuts down last coal-fired power plant

Austria has shut down its last coal-fired power plant as part of a plan to end the use of fossil fuels for energy production by 2030.

read more... 20/04/2020


France to see new reactor maintenance calendar in days

French utility EDF will soon present an updated calendar of reactor maintenance outages, after the previous schedule had to be modified amid the health crisis, energy minister Elisabeth Borne said.

read more... 20/04/2020


Europe can reach net-zero by 2050 with 100% renewables, study shows

New modelling shows that Europe could reach climate neutrality before 2050 through a 100% renewable energy scenario which would also see solar technology generate 60% of the European Union’s electricity by the middle of the century.

read more... 20/04/2020
