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Daily (11.01.2021): Crude oil prices strengthened by 3% on Friday to hit 11-month highs

Crude oil prices were bullish on Friday, reaching 11-month highs, supported by signals of tightening global supply. Thanks in part to production cuts by OPEC+ members, Brent crude surged by 3% to $55.99 a barrel, while WTI oil closed 2.8% higher at $52.24 a barrel.

read more... 11/01/2021


Total to keep up renewables energy investments in 2021

Total will be as active in adding renewable energy assets in 2021 as it was last year, Chief Executive Patrick Pouyanne told an Oddo BHF conference on Friday.

read more... 11/01/2021


UK, EU working out details of energy co-operation

UK gas and electricity transmission system operators need to decide on new working arrangements with EU bodies following the UK's exit from the EU.

read more... 11/01/2021


Cold Weather In China Sends Coal, Gas Prices Sky-High

The coldest winter in China since 1966 has sent coal and gas prices soaring as power demand surges.

read more... 11/01/2021


Daily (08.01.2020): European carbon prices approached 35 EUR on Thursday, hitting a new all-time high amid a strong energy complex

Crude oil prices were rather flat on Thursday, but remained at 11-month peaks, as investors focused on recent OPEC+ agreement to curb output instead of political turmoil in the United States. Hence, Brent crude added 0.2% to end at $54.38 a barrel. Meanwhile, U.S. WTI crude gained 0.4% to finish at $50.83 per barrel.

read more... 08/01/2021
