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Daily (25.01.2021): Brent crude fell by 1.2% on Friday, weighed by renewed coronavirus infections in China

Oil prices ended lower on Friday, weighed by renewed infections of Covid-19 in China, with several cases linked to the English variant. Moreover, an increase in U.S. crude stocks also put pressure on prices. Consequently, Brent oil dropped by 1.2% to $55.41 a barrel and WTI crude closed 1.6% lower at $52.27 a barrel.

read more... 25/01/2021


EU foreign ministers to push for global fossil fuel phase-out

European Union foreign ministers will promote a global phase out of fossil fuels and reaffirm commitments to finance climate adaptation measures at a meeting on Monday (25 January).

read more... 25/01/2021


Dutch companies sign 10-year deal to buy 330 GWh of power from Finland

The virtual contract covers an expected output volume of 330 GWh per year - equivalent to the electricity consumption of 40,000 households

read more... 25/01/2021


Nord Stream 2 says pipe-laying vessel has started works in Danish waters

European Union lawmakers passed a resolution on Thursday calling for the bloc to stop the completion of the Nord Stream 2 in response to the arrest of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny

read more... 25/01/2021


Daily (22.01.2021): Carbon prices rose by nearly 4% on Thursday, supported by investor’s interest and cold weather outlooks

Oil prices closed rather flat on Thursday. The United States’ return to the Paris climate agreement and the discontinuation of the Keystone XL pipeline project put pressure on oil prices. On the other hand, prices received support from the US fiscal stimulus package. Consequently, Brent oil settled on par with Wednesday’s close at $56.10 a barrel, while WTI crude edged 0.3% lower at $53.13 a barrel.

read more... 22/01/2021
