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‘Game-changer’ for geothermal energy as UK plant unlocks vast supply of lithium

A geothermal power plant in the UK has discovered the highest concentration of lithium ever found in geothermal fluid, opening the door to a new business model for the renewable energy source.

read more... 30/08/2021


EC approves Belgium's electricity capacity market design

The European Commission has approved Belgium's electricity market capacity mechanism under state aid rules, it said in a statement Aug. 27.

read more... 30/08/2021


Daily (27.08.2021): European front-year electricity prices held close to all-time highs on Thursday amid bullish fuels and carbon

Oil prices retreated on Thursday, snapping a three-day rally amid surging COVID-19 infections and as Mexico restored some supply after a fire disruption.  Hence, Brent crude fell by $1.18, or 1.6%, to settle at $71.07 a barrel. U.S. WTI crude settled down 94 cents or 1.4% at 67.42 a barrel.

read more... 27/08/2021


Onshore wind, solar hit 8GW for UK auction shoot-out

The UK has 8GW of onshore wind and solar projects primed for the next Contracts for Difference (CfD) round, a report shows.

read more... 27/08/2021


Global greenhouse gases ‘hit the highest point ever in 2020’

Lockdowns and slower economic activity did not succeed in limiting the total concentration of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, a global review has found

read more... 27/08/2021
