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Geothermal energy could provide all the energy the world will ever need

Researchers in Norway believe that with help from oil and gas extraction technologies, geothermal energy could be tapped more readily. There is a solution for the world's insatiable energy needs. It is CO2-free and safe. And it's located right under our feet.

read more... 16/09/2010


Russia to build its firs biofuel plant in Siberia

State-owned Russian Technologies corporation plans to start building the country's first biofuel plant next year in Siberia. The company has signed all the agreements and will start building the plant from March-April, and the project will be finished by the end of the year.

read more... 15/09/2010


Hungary joins AGRI LNG Interconnector gas supply project

Hungary has signed an agreement with Azerbaijan, Romania and Georgia to join the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania Interconnector (AGRI) project, which would help diversify energy supply as the Hungarian government said on Tuesday.

read more... 15/09/2010


Endesa received three bids for its Spanish gas network

Three infrastructure funds (sponsored by Macquarie, Goldman Sachs and AXA Private Equity) have submitted their bids on Monday for the distribution and transmission grid of Spanish Endesa SA.

read more... 15/09/2010


SunEdison will add 400 MW of solar power in South Korea

The government of Gyeongsangnam-do, a region in the south-east region of South Korea reached an agreement with the solar energy company SunEdison, subsidiary of MEMC Electronic Materials, the development of 400 MW of solar power in the province.

read more... 14/09/2010
