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EU energy trends to 2030

A new report of the European Commission, in print on Monday, reveals the European Union’s energy trends to 2030. It predicts visibly that wind energy will be ruling the power market for the next decade to 2020.

read more... 21/09/2010


Sri Lanka to build its first nuclear power plant

A top government official announced on Monday that Sri Lanka is planning to build its first nuclear power plant within the next 20 years in order to produce cheap power to bring in big investments and improve its post-war economy.

read more... 21/09/2010


Huge growth of BIPV market by 2016

According to analysts forecasts, the market of building integrated PV plants will see a huge growth by 2016, reaching more than 2.4 GW worldwide, from around 215 MW in 2009. Analyst also forecast that growth in the market could generate annual wholesale revenues of $4 billion by 2016.

read more... 20/09/2010


41 oil companies submit applications for exploring oil in Norway

Oil and energy ministry of Norway stated on Thursday that 41 oil and gas companies have applied to explore for petroleum in older regions off the country.

read more... 20/09/2010


Gas imports bill in Germany reduced by 3.2%

Gas imports bill in Germany for the first semester of 2010 reduced by 3.2%, arriving at 12.2 billion euros, comparing to 12.6 billion for the same period in 2009, according to BAFA data on Thursday.

read more... 20/09/2010
