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German coalition mulls subsidising electricity for energy-intensive industries

Germany’s three-party coalition is debating whether electricity prices for energy-intensive industries should be subsidised to prevent companies from moving production abroad.

read more... 05/05/2023


Denmark mulls higher taxes for energy traders

The Danish government is considering ways to raise taxes on energy traders, it said on Thursday, one day after its largest trading firm posted a record EUR 2.2bn profit for 2022.

read more... 05/05/2023


Westinghouse unveils small modular nuclear reactor

U.S. company Westinghouse unveiled plans on Thursday for a small modular reactor to generate virtually emissions-free electricity that could replace coal plants or power water desalinization and other industries.

read more... 05/05/2023


Daily (04.05.2023): European carbon prices fell to their lowest in more than 3 months on Wednesday following the EC's announcement

Crude oil prices tumbled to a six-week low Wednesday after the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates and investors worried about oil prices. Hence, Brent crude plunged by 4% to settle at $72.33 a barrel. WTI crude plummeted by more than 4.3% to $68.60 a barrel.

read more... 04/05/2023


EU mulls partial exit from energy treaty over climate concerns

The European Union is considering a proposal to quit an international energy treaty that has become mired in climate change concerns, but leave an option for individual countries to stay in an updated version of the accord, a document showed.

read more... 04/05/2023
