
Energymarketprice (EMP) is an independent provider of information for the Energy and Financial markets. EMP publishes a range of data related to prices in those markets.

This data is either based on transactions (or offer/demand quotes) of market participants, indices compiled by our analysts and from public available sources.

We are a neutral and independent organisation and have no financial interests in the data we publish.

The data on is compiled by our analysts following a rigorous and transparent internal procedure. This procedure is updated on a regularly basis in order adapt to the market conditions.

The prices are published in the currency and volume units most commonly used in the respective reporting region. Please see our glossary for more detailed information for each product.

Our analysts have developed several indices/composite data commonly used in the energy market.

Concerning the price assessments, we are working with a large group of market participants that have agreed to submit price data based on their actual transactions (or offer/demand quotations) for the relevant products.

We require a number of conditions to validate a Data Provider. Data Providers are able to submit Data on their transactions to us at any time convenient to them by using the secure online submission forms.

A variety of statistical analyses is performed on all price data gathered and other information submitted by Data Providers, in order to exclude any inconsistency in these the data.

If an analysis of the data sample shows that it does not provide sufficient statistical robust basis for compiling one or more of our indices (like for example an insufficient number of transactions has been submitted during the period), a procedure is deployed to calculate the relevant price. This procedure ensures that all Indices can be compiled on every occasion.