About us

Energy Market Price is a service of Market Intelligence Group SA, a privately owned Swiss company located nearby Geneva.

Market intelligence Group SA provides data and technology solutions to the energy market. Our technology platform enables dedicated offer applications for your market segment. We deliver specific content on web and mobile applications. Content ranges from news, data to video media and is delivered through specific website or mobile applications.

Market Intelligence Group sa was founded by Dirk Wouters and Stéphane Querinjean, who have yearlong experience in the energy industry.

Dirk Wouters has experience in the energy industry since many years by working with a major European supplier, an important energy consultancy company and renewable energy companies. Before, he was active in venture capital. Dirk is managing director of the company and has a commercial focus and uses his prior experience to serve customers.

Stéphane Querinjean is an entrepreneur, who has worked all his professional life in the energy industry. He founded Siemat Energy, early 2001 which have been acquired by Summit Energy (Schneider Electric) in 2008, today the largest energy consultancy company. Stéphane is managing director of the company and uses his proficient experience to present the best solutions fitting the needs of many clients.

The EnergyMarketPrice team has now grown to a team of 15 highly skilled people, including a team of IT experts. They serve the customers in a personal, customized way. Graphical design of the site and mobile apps was professionally done by the code-on webdesign agency.