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Germany awards 769 MW onshore wind in latest tender, highest since 2017

Germany's latest onshore wind auction was only marginally undersubscribed with 769 MW awarded of 825 MW offered, the highest volume in almost three years, grid regulator BNetzA said Oct. 26.

read more... 27/10/2020


Lower prices drive Asia's demand for LNG as ship fuel

Globally, LNG is expected to account for 10 per cent of overall marine fuel mix by 2030, up from less than 0.1 per cent last year, he added

read more... 27/10/2020


CRE to restructure French nuclear sales scheme

French energy regulator CRE has proposed to restructure the Arenh nuclear output sale mechanism and rules surrounding its modification and cancellation in response to legal disputes that arose at the height of the Covid-19 crisis.

read more... 27/10/2020


Daily (26.10.2020): Carbon prices increased by over 5% on Friday, supported by short-covering and a bullish energy market

The prices for crude oil decreased on Friday, following Libya's decision to boost its oil output. The price for Brent oil dropped by 1.6% to close at $41.77 a barrel, while WTI crude slumped by 1.9% to trade at $39.85 a barrel.

read more... 26/10/2020


Greencoat Renewables boosts its portfolio with Irish wind farm

Together with the acquisition of the 11.5MW An Cnoc wind farm, the firm announced the closing of a new €200 million term loan

read more... 26/10/2020
