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Norway plans heavy oil ban around Svalbard

The Norwegian government has announced plans to ban heavy fuel oil (HFO), a dirty marine fuel that propels most vessels, around its Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. The effort comes as UN efforts have been deemed too slow.

read more... 10/11/2020


Concordia Damen scores 40 LNG-fueled barges order

Dutch shipyard Concordia Damen has signed a contract for 40 dual-fuel barges with institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management.

read more... 10/11/2020


French power demand recovery halts on new lockdown

French power demand has this month halted its recovery following the reintroduction of a nationwide lockdown in late October, but the year-on-year decline has still slowed compared with the first round of Covid-19 restrictions in the spring.

read more... 10/11/2020


Daily (09.11.2020): NBP spot price dropped by 5% on Friday, pressured by milder weather outlook and stronger wind generation

Oil prices continued to decline on Friday, pressured by the rising number of coronavirus cases and diminishing demand. Consequently, Brent crude for January delivery slumped by 3.6% to close at $39.45 a barrel, while WTI oil slumped by 4.3% to $37.14 a barrel.

read more... 09/11/2020


China nearly halves Oct coal imports as it nears informal quota

The country imported a total of 253.16 million tonnes between January and October, not far from the 299.67 million tonnes of coal it imported in 2019

read more... 09/11/2020
