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Daily (24.12.2020): Carbon EUAs increased by 2.4% on Wednesday amid hopes for a Brexit conclusion before Christmas

Crude oil prices gained ground on Wednesday, supported by an unexpected drop in US crude and petroleum reserves. Despite limited gains due to the new strain of coronavirus, Brent oil ended 2.2% up at $51.20 a barrel, while WTI crude traded 2.3% higher at $48.12 a barrel.

read more... 24/12/2020


Ofgem approves UK gas fee change

UK energy regulator Ofgem has approved system operator National Grid's proposal to change the way its gas revenues are calculated going forwards.

read more... 24/12/2020


Belarus unit starts pilot operation

Unit 1 of the first nuclear power plant to be built in Belarus started pilot operation yesterday, Russia's Rosatom has announced. Pilot operation is the final and longest check of a power unit before commissioning. The unit is be the first of the VVER-1200 design to be built outside Russia.

read more... 24/12/2020


Coal sales to rebound with first gains in years in U.S., Europe

Global coal demand is poised to rebound next year as the economy recovers and the U.S. and Europe may see the first increase in consumption in several years, the International Energy Agency said.

read more... 24/12/2020


Daily (23.12.2020): NBP near-term prices strongly bullish on Tuesday amid forecasts for colder weather and less wind

Crude oil prices ended lower again on Tuesday, weighed by investors’ fears on a possible decrease in global demand due to the new strain of coronavirus. Consequently, Brent crude weakened by 1.6% to $50.08 a barrel, while WTI oil lost 2% to close at $47.02 a barrel.

read more... 23/12/2020
