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France to continue recycling nuclear fuel beyond 2040

France will continue its treatment-recycling strategy for used nuclear fuel beyond 2040, with plans to extend the life of existing recycling plants and to launch studies for a new mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication plant and a new used fuel processing plant, the Minister for the Economy, Finance, Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Bruno Le Maire, announced on Friday.

read more... 12/03/2024


French TSO GRTgaz launches CO2 transport project

French gas TSO GRTgaz launched on Monday a month-long call for expressions of interest for a EUR 1.7bn CO2 transport infrastructure project to help decarbonise industry in western France.

read more... 12/03/2024


Daily (11.03.2024): Oil prices fell by over 1% on Friday as demand concerns outweighed production cuts

Oil prices dropped on Friday amid worries about Chinese demand despite geopolitical tensions and supply cuts. As a result, the Brent crude oil decreased by 1% to settle slightly above $82 a barrel, while WTI crude declined by 1.2% to stand slightly above $78 a barrel.

read more... 11/03/2024


Portugal 2030 solar goal not at risk despite project backlog

The Portuguese government recently approved a further 10-month extension for the connection of the around 2 GW of solar capacity awarded in 2019 and 2020 auctions, which should have been connected between the middle of last year and this year, respectively.

read more... 11/03/2024


Inspection failure set to delay vital fuel loading at Flamanville

Delaying the start of fuel loading, which requires French nuclear safety authority ASN authorisation, would almost certainly lead to a delay in starting the 1.6 GW reactor, which is due to go into commercial service by June.

read more... 11/03/2024
