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Germany shutters seven coal power plants as energy crises eases

Seven lignite-fired power plant units with a combined generating capacity of 3.1 gigawatt will be shut down in Germany at the end of March after the plant’s planned decommissioning was postponed due to the 2022 energy crisis.

read more... 27/03/2024


Europe's clean power sources on a record roll in early 2024

A record 60% of Europe's electricity was powered by clean energy sources in the opening two months of 2024, driven by strong year-on-year growth in hydro, solar and wind generation and a rebound in nuclear power production.

read more... 27/03/2024


UK warned of potential £450bn loss due to energy policy uncertainty

Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) warns of a potential £450 billion loss in the domestic offshore energy market by 2040 without stable policies and competitive taxes.

read more... 27/03/2024


Daily (26.03.2024): Carbon prices hit 2-month highs on Monday due to bullish gas prices

On Monday, oil prices ended higher, driven by prospects of reduced Russian crude oil production, following Ukrainian attacks on refineries. Brent crude increased by 2% at $86.75 a barrel, while WTI Crude rose by 2% to $81.95 a barrel.

read more... 26/03/2024


Munich, Germany aims for CO2-neutral heating by 2040, primarily with geothermal

Munich city utility Stadtwerke München (SWM) has laid out a plan for the heating transition in Munich, Germany that aims to establish CO2-neutral heating by 2040 at the latest, ahead of the 2045 target set by the federal government. With much of this capacity to come from geothermal, SWM is undertaking the expansion of heating networks, new geothermal projects, and additional drilling.

read more... 26/03/2024
