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Greece mulls intervention in power prices as energy crisis deepens

Greece is considering measures to curb soaring electricity prices and mitigate the impact on consumers if the European Union does not take action on the issue soon, Greek government spokesman Giannis Oikonomou said on Monday.

read more... 19/04/2022


Putin tells Europe: You still need Russian gas but we’re turning east

President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday (14 April) that Moscow would work to redirect its energy exports eastward as Europe tries to reduce its reliance on them, adding that European nations would not be able to ditch Russian gas immediately.

read more... 18/04/2022


Germany’s global hydrogen plans could accelerate climate change

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck plans to import hydrogen from all over the world to satisfy Germany’s hunger for energy despite a new study questioning the climate-friendliness of hydrogen transport.

read more... 18/04/2022


EU Begins Drafting Embargo On Russian Oil

The European Union has started drafting its proposal for an embargo on Russian oil imports as its latest response to the war in Ukraine, the New York Times reported, citing Brussels officials and diplomats.

read more... 18/04/2022


Supply unease underpins coal prices

European coal prices were little changed in Thursday trading as an imminent sanction-related halt to Russian supply continued to unnerve market participants and there were signs of limitations to alternative South African exports.

read more... 15/04/2022
