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France Crafts Offshore Wind Expansion to Meet Climate Goals

France has revealed an ambitious strategy to amplify its offshore wind capacity, signaling a determined effort to make as much progress as neighboring nations in meeting climate objectives.

read more... 03/05/2024


Ofgem set to announce new energy price cap

Regulator Ofgem is set to unveil the new energy price cap on 24th May, which could see average household bills drop by over £100.

read more... 03/05/2024


Daily (02.05.2024): Gas and carbon prices lost ground on Wednesday, driven by light trading and muted demand due to bank holiday

Oil prices experienced a significant decline on Wednesday due to various signs indicating subdued demand, especially with the upcoming US travel season. Consequently, Brent crude tumbled by 5% to settle at $83.44 per barrel, and WTI crude dropped by 3.6% to close at $79 per barrel.

read more... 02/05/2024


Spain, Portugal take home most of €720m EU hydrogen award

The European Commission announced on Tuesday (30 April) the winners of its first auction to allocate subsidies for hydrogen production, with most of the €720 million awarded going to projects in the Iberian peninsula.

read more... 02/05/2024


Poland making strong progress on nuclear project

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) review mission has praised steps taken in Poland to develop the necessary infrastructure for nuclear power.

read more... 02/05/2024
