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Ofgem warns local power grid operators from UK.

Energy regulator Ofgem has warned the electricity network firms of UK by saying that they are putting the customers at an 'unacceptable' risk of power cuts in trying to maintain the country's old pylons and wires.

read more... 28/12/2010


Improved Renewable Energy from Collected Comprehensive Wind

A meteorological tool utilized to monitor storms will help energy grid operators in collecting useful information regarding their activity, especially to measure the winds at an altitude of 350 feet, which represent the average height of turbines hubs.

read more... 28/12/2010


Daily Energy Market Overview, Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crude oil prices increased above 91 dollars per barrel on Tuesday, supported by a lower dollar and a snow storm on the U.S. East Coast expected to raise oil heating demand.

read more... 28/12/2010


Daily Energy Market Overview, Monday, December 27, 2010

Crude oil prices floated around their highest level on Friday as cold weather boosted demand. European benchmark ICE Brent crude for February ended 48 cents lower at $93.46 on Friday after having reached its highest level since October 2008, $94.74 a barrel. Meanwhile, global benchmark U.S. crude futures did not trade on Friday as the NYMEX was closed for the Christmas holiday, after having hit a 26-month peak of $91.63 on Thursday.

read more... 27/12/2010


Daily Energy Market Overview, Friday, December 24, 2010

Oil prices stayed beyond $90 a barrel on Thursday, nearby their peak in two years supported by cold weather which boosted demand and declining U.S. stockpiles.

read more... 24/12/2010
