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Daily Energy Overview, Monday, March, 14, 2011

U.S. and Brent crude oil futures traded down for a fourth day in five on Friday after the enormous earthquake in Japan and spread worries about a lower oil demand from the third largest oil consumer in the world.

read more... 14/03/2011


Daily Energy Overview, Friday, March 11, 2011

Brent and U.S. crude traded higher on Thursday settling almost 2 dollars over last trading session supported by the protests in Saudi Arabia that boosted Brent and U.S. crude prices. ICE Brent crude for April delivery lost 51 cents being traded at 115.43 dollars a barrel, after registering a trade between 113.52 and 116.55 dollars supported by strengthening the dollar’s index.

read more... 11/03/2011


Daily Energy Overview, Thursday, March, 10, 2011

U.S. crude oil futures traded down by more than 1 dollar on Wednesday following the report release by the American government that showed an increase in crude stocks that kept oil prices in instance even if the continued unrest in Libya keeps strengthening the Brent crude prices.

read more... 10/03/2011


Daily Energy Overview, Wednesday, March 09, 2011

U.S. crude oil futures traded down on Tuesday following the statement of the Kuwait’s oil minister about the OPEC’s possible increase in oil production to cover any supply deficit that could arise from the Libyan conflict. The U.S. crude for April delivery eased 42 cents to 105.02 dollars a barrel, while the ICE Brent for April delivery edged 2 percent down being traded at 113.06 dollars a barrel.

read more... 09/03/2011


Daily Energy Overview, Tuesday, March 08, 2011

U.S. crude oil futures traded up on Monday following concerns on supply disruption because of continued violence in Libya and investors’ worries that it could influence other oil producers from the Middle East and North Africa.

read more... 08/03/2011
