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Daily Energy Overview, Friday, March, 18, 2011

U.S. crude oil stockpiles raised more last week as it was predicted, following increase in imports, while gasoline and distillates stocks decreased.

read more... 18/03/2011


The European Investment Bank will grant funds for the construction of a gas plant in France

The European Investment Bank and POWEO Toul Production S.A.S, an indirect subsidiary of VERBUND AG, announced they sealed a €165 million finance contract for the building and exploitation of a 413 MW Combined-Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power plant at Toul, in Eastern France.

read more... 18/03/2011


Higher prices for energy bills in UK on Japanese and Libyan crisis

Following a sharp increase in the wholesale price of gas, supported by the Japanese disaster and political unrest in North Africa, the British households and businesses will be hit by a rise of their bills for gas and electricity.

read more... 18/03/2011


Daily Energy Overview, Thursday, March, 17, 2011

U.S. crude oil futures traded up on Wednesday supported by the turmoil in the Middle East before rising worries over the nuclear crisis in Japan pared crude’s gains. On the NYMEX market, the U.S. crude for April delivery increased by 80 cents being traded at 97.98 dollars a barrel, after trading in a range between 96.22 and 99.60 dollars.

read more... 17/03/2011


Daily Energy Overview, Wednesday March, 16, 2011

Brent crude oil futures traded down over 4 percent on Tuesday as the appeared nuclear emergency in Japan raised worries across energy markets. The ICE Brent crude for April delivery valued 108.52 dollars a barrel, down 4.53 percent from a trade between 107.88 and 113.82 dollars, having hit the lowest level since February 22, when it registered a price of 105.78 dollars.

read more... 16/03/2011
