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Italy to vote the fate of nuclear power

On June 12th and 13th, the Italian people will vote the fate of nuclear power in Italy during a referendum. The referendum envisages the planned re-introduction of nuclear power, a policy platform sustained by the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

read more... 13/06/2011


Daily energy Overview, Friday, June 10, 2011

Brent crude oil futures increased on Thursday, having hit a five-week high as OPEC’s failure to increase oil production spurred more worries on supplies. ICE Brent crude oil for July delivery valued 119.57 dollars, up 1.72 dollars, having hit the utmost level since May 4.

read more... 10/06/2011


Russia and China against sanctions to Syria over its nuclear programme

Syria’s international reputation suffered on Thursday after the United Nations nuclear watchdog voted to report the country to the Security Council, accusing Syria of a covert nuclear reactor construction and its unwillingness to cooperate with investigators.

read more... 10/06/2011


Daily energy Overview, Thursday, June 09, 2011

U.S. and Brent crude futures increased on Wednesday following OPEC’s failure to increase the output and API inventory data indicating a sharp drop in crude oil stocks last week.

read more... 09/06/2011


Daily energy Overview, Wednesday, June 08, 2011

U.S. and Brent crude oil futures continued to increase in post-settlement trading on Tuesday, following released data that indicated a deeper drop in domestic crude stocks as expected last week, while a weaker dollar and the unrest in the Middle East countries encouraged buying interest.

read more... 08/06/2011
