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Daily energy Overview, Friday, July 08, 2011

U.S. crude futures traded higher on Thursday as data about a better than expected situation in the private hiring sector and retail sales reports supported optimism that the economic growth was on the upturn direction.

read more... 08/07/2011


Daily energy Overview, Thursday July 7, 2011

U.S. crude oil futures rebounded on Wednesday after API data indicated a more-than-expected fall in domestic crude inventories during the previous week, while Brent prices were almost steady after the news of latest interest rate raise in China and a downgrade of Portugal’s credit rating against the outlook for higher energy demand in the second half of 2011.

read more... 07/07/2011


Japan nuclear power to pass safety tests

All Japanese nuclear power stations will pass several safety tests as to lower concerns sparked after the nuclear crisis caused by a fatal combination between a tsunami and an earthquake. The government ordered new safety controls of all 54’country’s nuclear reactors, with less details revealed about.

read more... 07/07/2011


Overview of the Chinese coal market in 2010

World coal production is expected to rise considerably by 2027 to 5.1 billion tons. In 2008, the Chinese industrial sector consumed 22% of the global coal consumption and 41% of the world’s power production.

read more... 06/07/2011


German investors await British nuclear decision

German energy companies such as, EON and RWE, wait for a final political decision as to know how to proceed with its future investments into the construction of nuclear power plants in the UK. Meanwhile, German newspapers cited that the two German companies see the plans development costs as too high, expecting to invest 16 billion euros.

read more... 06/07/2011
