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Siemens closes the nuclear chapter

The German engineering and industrial conglomerate, Siemens announced on Sunday that will quit nuclear power, aftermath the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe in Japan in March.

read more... 21/09/2011


EDF in the top of customers’ complaints

According to Consumer Focus watchdog, the major energy supplier, EDF has been named as Britain's most complained among power companies, mainly due to the implementation of a new billing system.

read more... 21/09/2011


EDF announces higher energy tariffs ahead of winter

The British energy provider, EDF Energy was the last of the”big six” which announced on Thursday that their energy tariffs will go up by 15.4 % for gas and 4.5 % for electricity, hitting 3.2 million of London families which will have to face with energy bills increases.

read more... 16/09/2011


Iran’s first nuclear plant officially launched

The first controversial nuclear power plant in Iran was inaugurated on September, 12, during an official ceremony.

read more... 15/09/2011


France to perform safety checks on each of its nuclear plant

Alain Juppe, the French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and State Minister, during a conference held in Beijing on Tuesday, promised that France will soon perform a nationwide safety checks on each of its nuclear installations, aftermath of Fukushima nuclear disaster, moreover it will cooperate with the IAEA in order to maximize the safety of nuclear facilities.

read more... 15/09/2011
