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EU Energy community to benefit from the Third Energy Package

The European Union Third Energy Package was recently approved by the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community relative to the internal electricity and gas market, known also as TEP Decision. Now energy investors across South East Europe will have to act in accordance with this new decision. Following that, Energy Community contracting members have to transpose it into a national law by January 2015.

read more... 14/11/2011


France likely to cut nuclear power by 2030

The French Electricity Union (UFE) announced on Monday, that by cutting the share of nuclear in French’s energy mix to 50 percent by 2030, down from three quarters at present, would account for 60 billion Euros. Also, the move could induce a significant increase in bills by about 33% for households and by 41 percent for businesses compared to 2010.

read more... 09/11/2011


Russia to build two nuclear power plants in Bangladesh

Russia and Bangladesh signed an intergovernmental agreement on November 1st, involving the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the South Asian country.

read more... 03/11/2011


Belgium to completely phase out from nuclear by 2025

Belgium seems to be the latest country from the EU to phase out nuclear power, after the political parties have reached a conditional agreement to close the country’s two remaining nuclear power plants.

read more... 02/11/2011


Turkey to build its first nuclear plant on earthquake-prone area

Turkey announced its decision to build its first nuclear power plant on a controversial location on the Mediterranean coast, near to an earthquake-prone area.

read more... 01/11/2011
