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Saudi Arabia to establish its 16 nuclear plants by 2030

Saudi Arabia kingdom announced that it will invest over $100 billion to restore its 16 nuclear power reactors in different parts of the country in the next coming years, Commerce and Industry Minister Abdullah Zainal Alireza told a Saudi-U.S. business forum in the U.S. city of Atlanta.

read more... 13/12/2011


EDF Energy the most complained British energy provider

The energy regulators named EDF Energy, the French owned firm, the Britain’s worst power supplier yesterday after a 74% surge in complaints.

read more... 12/12/2011


Swiss nuclear phase out to cost € 16.8 billion

A recent study published by the Federal Office of Energy showed that Swiss exit from nuclear power will cost the country about 16.8 billion euros ($22.5 billion), 10% more than estimated in 2006.

read more... 29/11/2011


France and Russia to strengthen nuclear cooperation

On 18 November, Russian and French leaders have inked a declaration on nuclear energy cooperation at a meeting of the Russian-French cooperation commission.

read more... 24/11/2011


EU to cut down its fuel import bill by at least 50 billion Euros

The European Union is striving to reach its main two goals: to reduce carbon emissions by 20 percent and raise the share of renewable energy in the energy mix by 20 percent by 2020, target difficult to be fulfilled. So, the EU is likely to reduce its fuel import bill by 50 billion Euros per year, move that would create new jobs under a new “energy “ plan and open other benefits for the householders.

read more... 16/11/2011
