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Czech Republic to temper its nuclear expectations

The Czech Republic has tempered its nuclear ambitions to build five nuclear reactors in the country, being scaled back to just two units, even if Germany and Poland may have been counting on those nuclear reactors to supply electricity. Germany has halted eight of its oldest reactors, intending to close another nine by 2022, aftermath the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.

read more... 17/02/2012


UK: new generation of nuclear reactors could recycle radioactive waste into fuel

While many nations around the world are abandoning nuclear energy in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, the UK is planning building new power reactors that will be able to recycle nuclear waste into new-generating fuel.

read more... 03/02/2012


Scottish and Southern Energy loses 50, 000 customers on higher tariffs

The energy provider, Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) announced that in the nine months to the end of the year it lost 50,000 electricity and gas customers in the UK and Ireland, due to higher energy tariffs imposed by the provider.

read more... 01/02/2012


Iberdrola invested EUR550 million to upgrade Spanish electricity grid

The Spanish utility Iberdrola invested EUR550 million in extending and improving electricity grid in Spain in 2011.

read more... 27/01/2012


FERC gives license for New York’s first tidal energy project

The first pilot license, for a 1 MW tidal energy project to be developed in the East Channel of New York’s East River, was issued by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The project was drafted by New York-based Verdant Power Inc. and will be built in three phases by installing up to 30 commercial class turbines with five fixed generator units to capture energy from tidal flow.

read more... 26/01/2012
