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DECC has revealed its first Energy Efficiency Strategy

The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has recently revealed that is going to be called the UK’s first national Energy Efficiency Strategy, which offers a wide ranging package for increasing energy efficiency across all sectors of the UK economy, and could reduce energy use by 11% by 2020, boosting the economy and the standard of living in the country.

read more... 14/11/2012


The Czech Republic to considerably increase the share of nuclear power production

The Czech government is planning to considerably increase the country’s nuclear power production to at least 50 percent of its electrical energy mix by around 2040 from the current 30 percent and to slash coal use to meet greenhouse gas emission targets.

read more... 14/11/2012


Poland to choose between nuclear power and gas

Poland is going to scrap its nuclear programme in favor of shale gas as a less risky investment option, according to the head of Polish state-owned utility PGE.

read more... 05/11/2012


Norway: Statoil to connect its onshore power to North Sea fields

Norwegian energy giant Statoil envisages connecting onshore power to some North Sea oil and gas fields by 2018, move which will cost 10 billion crowns ($1.75 billion) investment that could potentially slash its future tax bill.

read more... 02/11/2012


Japan’s Hitachi to build nuclear power plants in the UK

The Japanese company Hitachi has announced on Tuesday that it intends to buy from German utilities E.ON and RWE the nuclear venture Horizon, for a total of 696 million pounds, and added that it was already in negotiations to find another company to manage the plants after they are built.

read more... 01/11/2012
