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China to reach 42 GW of nuclear power capacity

Zhang Huazhu, the chairman of China Nuclear Energy Association, announced that China will account for 10%, which will correspond to about 42 GW, of the world's installed nuclear capacity, with 41 operating nuclear power plants , by 2015.

read more... 29/11/2012


UK unveils challenging proposals to reduce electricity demand by 10%

The UK government is expected to publish today proposals to reduce electricity demand across the whole UK economy, a move designed to save money through lower bills and cutting down the need for new generation capacity.

read more... 29/11/2012


China to become world’s largest generator of nuclear power by 2020

Stephen Wilson, the Rio Tinto Energy general manager of markets and industry analysis, said that currently China is the ninth largest nuclear energy producer and that by 2020 it is likely to become the world’s largest generator of nuclear power.

read more... 23/11/2012


Power consumption in China to grow by 6% in 2012

The State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) has announced on Wednesday that China’s electricity consumption is likely to grow by about 6% to 5 trillion kWh, with a considerable increase in the last quarter, as the nation's economy recovers.

read more... 22/11/2012


Centrica to abandon UK nuclear by focusing its expansion in the US

Centrica intends to concentrate investments in the U.S., if it decides to withdraw from new nuclear power stations in the UK. It considers the prospect of higher profit margins and huge opportunities in the shale gas boom. According to senior company sources, only a remarkable change in Government policy on subsidising nuclear power would create a business case for investment.

read more... 19/11/2012
