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China to limit energy consumption at 8% by 2015

The Chinese government has announced, on Wednesday, that China will aim to limit total annual primary energy consumption to 8% a year from 2010 to 2015, as it seeks to improve efficiency and to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases and pollution. It intends also to limit installations of new-coal fired power plants while improving the share of renewables.

read more... 24/01/2013


EDF’s eight nuclear power stations produced 60 TWh electricity output

EDF Energy has recently announced that its eight nuclear power stations produced 60 TWh of electricity output, beating a new record of production, the highest in seven years.

read more... 17/01/2013


French government to compensate EDF for a renewable tax deficit

The French government agreed on Monday to pay state-controlled power utility Electricite de France SA (EDF) €4.9 billion ($6.57 billion) in order to compensate costs related to the purchasing of electricity generated by renewable sources and subsidies for electricity sold to the poor, move that increased EDF's shares by about 5%.

read more... 15/01/2013


China’s power consumption up 5.5%

According to the National Energy Administration, China’s national electricity consumption was 4.9 trillion kilowatt hours in 2012, up 5.5 percent in comparison to 2011, when it registered a growth of about 11.7%.

read more... 14/01/2013


China to build a new nuclear power plant

China has started the construction of a new power reactor in December, after lifting a construction moratorium imposed following Japan’s Fukushima disaster. The 200MW capacity reactor, which is being built at Shidao Bay in Shandong Province and will have a total cost of about 3 billion yuan (475 million dollars), will start generating power by the end of 2017.

read more... 09/01/2013
