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The nuclear energy problem of Japan

Since the Fukushima catastrophe in April 2011, nearly all of the country’s nuclear plants closed, leaving a significant capacity gap which has had to be filled with more coal, oil and gas which provoked substantial costs in both economic and environmental terms, as the price of power increased due to a sharp turn toward the use of fossil fuels.

read more... 16/08/2013


Iran’s new President in serious negotiations with the West to end nuclear dispute

After his victory at elections in June, Iran’s new President Hassan Rohani said that Iran was ready for serious talks over its nuclear program, in a move which aims to eliminate all sanctions in place against Iran. It added that he would not give up with Iran's rights, but he wants to alleviate Western worries.

read more... 15/08/2013


Israel, Greece and Cyprus signed “historic deal” on electricity cooperation

Israel, Greece and Cyprus signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 7 August in Nicosia on cooperation in the fields of energy and water.

read more... 12/08/2013


Sweden prefers renewables to nuclear

Recently Sweden's energy minister, Anna-Karin Hatt, has announced that the government will not subsidize new nuclear power plants, favoring renewable investments. Electricity production in Sweden is dominated by nuclear power and renewables, which currently make about equal contributions to energy production- about 40%.

read more... 07/08/2013


Enel investments in Spain’s energy sector at risk

Enel, Europe's second utility in terms of installed capacity, has announced recently that its future funds in Spain’s energy sector could be at risk unless the energy reform was revised. The Spanish government imposed a 7% levy on all incomes from power generation at the beginning of 2013, and approved a second wave of reforms in July.

read more... 05/08/2013
