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General Electric in negotiations to acquire France’s Alstom

General Electric Co is in negotiations to purchase French turbine and train manufacturer Alstom SA for approximately $13 billion, as reported by Bloomberg, mentioning people familiar to the matter.

read more... 24/04/2014


GDF Suez: legal case lost on Belgian nuclear tax of 1 billion euros

The Belgian unit of the French utility GDF Suez declared that a Brussels court had decided in favor of the government in a case concerning approximately 1 billion euros ($1.4 billion) in taxes charged on its profits from producing nuclear power.

read more... 18/04/2014


European power markets register the first growth since 2010

The power trading volumes on the European wholesale market increased last year for the first time in three years but were nevertheless below 80 percent of their maximum level registered in 2010, according to a report presented by the research firm Prospex, which investigated the markets growth in several countries, such as Germany, the Nordic region, Britain, Italy, Spain, France and the Netherlands.

read more... 16/04/2014


German utilities might get 2.2 billion euros tax reimbursements

The German government might refund country’s utilities in nuclear fuel taxes estimated at over 2.2 billion euro ($3.06 billion), according to the preliminary decision of the Hamburg court.

read more... 15/04/2014


French court enacted backdated electricity price increases for households

Approximately 29 million French households and small businesses deal with a retrogressive increase in their power bills after the country's administrative Supreme Court annulled on Friday a 2012 ceiling on raises to regulated electricity prices. The pronouncement is applicable to power bills between August 2012 and August 2013.

read more... 14/04/2014
