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Belgium will be deprived of two thirds of its nuclear energy production

Belgian nuclear reactor Doel 4 in East Flanders will remain closed at least until the end of this year after a damage of its turbine, declared Electrabel, the owner of the plant.

read more... 15/08/2014


Germany: RWE to mothball another 1, 000 MW of capacity

RWE AG, Germany’s second-largest utility, decided to mothball 1, 000 MW of plant capacity, citing low demand for electricity which made the plants unprofitable.

read more... 14/08/2014


EDF to halt four nuclear reactors in northern England

EDF Energy will shut down temporarily four nuclear reactors at two large power plants in the north of England after a technical issue was found in boiler units.

read more... 12/08/2014


Chinese State Grid mulls Mediterranean power network

The European Commission’s dream to continental power grids which could be able to function in unison could soon become true, as State Grid Corporation of China, the world's largest utility by revenues, has acquired minority stakes in Portuguese and Italian grid operators and is equally envisaging buying stakes in Greece and Spain.

read more... 11/08/2014


Bulgaria boosts electricity prices, reduces natural gas

Bulgaria raised electricity prices by an average of 2 percent having as objective to control politically sensitive costs in spite of massive deficits in the Balkan country's energy sector.

read more... 07/08/2014
