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Italy’s electricity demand increased by 0.7% in February

Italy's electricity demand increased by 0.7 percent in February to 25.2 billion kilowatt hours from a year ago, after four months of declines, as stated by grid operator Terna on Friday.

read more... 09/03/2015


UK regulator enforces selling prohibition on ScottishPower

ScottishPower, one of Britain's "big six" energy providers, has been given a provisional selling interdiction for failing to clear a logjam of consumer problems within a timeframe fixed by the regulator.

read more... 05/03/2015


Serbia, IMF settle on 15% electricity price increase in 2015

Serbia established with the International Monetary Fund that it would increase power prices this year by 15 percent, as stated on Wednesday by Daehaeng Kim, the IMF country representative.

read more... 05/03/2015


RWE to maintain dividend steady in 2014

RWE will pay a steady dividend of 1 euro ($1.12) per share for 2014, reducing worries that the utility may diminish its pay-out as a result of the sector's crisis, as stated by a source familiar with the matter on Tuesday.

read more... 04/03/2015


Areva to reduce wage bill by 15% since forecasts worsen

French nuclear conglomerate Areva intends to reduce 15 percent of its wage bill to save 300 million euros ($337 million) a year within three years among fading sales predictions for its reactors.

read more... 02/03/2015
