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Berlin considers slashing electricity tax by 95% to boost heat pump uptake

Germany may slash electricity taxes to near-nothing amid flagging heat pump sales, a move backed by liberal and conservative politicians as well as the renewable energy lobby.

read more... 21/09/2023


Poland given green light for nuclear power

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has given Poland the green light to launch the country’s nuclear power programme. After reviewing Poland’s nuclear energy regulatory framework, the IAEA said it was in line with its safety standards and that the regulatory body is competent and prepared to launch nuclear energy.

read more... 21/09/2023


Daily (20.09.2023): British gas prices turned bullish on Tuesday due to lower supply from Norway

On Tuesday, crude oil prices remained relatively stable as the decision to prolong production cuts by Saudi Arabia and Russia was offset by renewed global macroeconomic worries. Hence, Brent crude traded at $94.34 a barrel. Meanwhile, U.S. WTI crude slipped by 0.3% to $91.20 a barrel.

read more... 20/09/2023


Challenges persist in EU’s ‘blue energy’ push

Despite some progress, more work is needed in the development of offshore renewable energies to achieve Europe’s ambitious ‘blue’ coastal economy targets, a report by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) found.

read more... 20/09/2023


LNG crucial to German energy strategy

Germany must strengthen rather than abandon the liquefied natural gas (LNG) capability built last year to retain energy diversity in the face of continued fragility of supply, a senior economy ministry official told an industry event on Tuesday.

read more... 20/09/2023
