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UK: Gas and electricity bills £45 cheaper

Gas and electricity bills dropped by £45 between 2014 and 2015, or a cut of 3.3% to an average yearly bill of £1.299, according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

read more... 24/12/2015


Four groups present preliminary offers for Vattenfall German plants

Four energy conglomerates counting three from Czech Republic placed initial bids for German lignite-burning power plants, mines and hydro power stations put on sale by Swedish state utility Vattenfall on Friday, as stated by investors and sources close to the matter.

read more... 22/12/2015


Poland's power bills for households to drop 1.6% in 2016

Polish energy market regulator URE on Thursday authorized a 1.6-percent average reduction in 2016 final power prices in households' bills.

read more... 18/12/2015


EDF will make firm offer for Areva reactors at the beginning of 2016

Divergences over valuation and charges related to a Finnish reactor project are likely to postpone French utility EDF's purchase of Areva's nuclear reactor business until next year, according to sources familiar with the situation.

read more... 15/12/2015


Engie will vend thermal plants in U.S.

French gas and electricity conglomerate Engie intends to announce the sale of its thermal power generation plants in United States, and others might follow, as reported in the financial daily Les Echos.

read more... 11/12/2015
