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German power giants entitled for compensation after accelerated nuclear shutdown

Germany's Federal Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday that the government must compensate utilities as it hastened the closure of nuclear power in the country aftermath Japan’s Fukushima disaster in 2011.

read more... 07/12/2016


Amazon wishes to transform Italy power stations into data centres

Amazon is in negotiations with utility Enel over the conversion of old electricity stations in north and central Italy into data centres since it tries to extend its profitable cloud services business in the country.

read more... 01/12/2016


EDF’ s Edison will acquire Eni’s Italian energy retail business

Italian energy group Edison, a unit of French utility EDF is interested in acquiring oil company Eni’s retail business.

read more... 29/11/2016


EIB will offer a funding for Polish power utility Energa's network

Polish state-controlled utility Energa declared on Wednesday it plans to issue hybrid bonds estimated at 250 million euros ($263 million) to the European Investment Bank (EIB) to finance investment in its electricity distribution network.

read more... 24/11/2016


SSE does not plan to increase energy prices this winter

SSE has announced it won’t be raising standard household energy prices this winter.

read more... 21/11/2016
