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France consents second electricity connection with UK, despite Brexit

French energy markets regulator CRE has authorized a scheduled second electricity link between France and the United Kingdom after consulting stakeholders, mentioning the project was still feasible and desirable despite Britain's decision to abandon the EU.

read more... 27/01/2017


France says goodbye to its oldest nuclear power plant

EDF has voted to begin the processes of dismantling France’s oldest nuclear power plant after escalated pressure from Germany and a law to reduce the country’s dependence on nuclear power.

read more... 25/01/2017


Poland hopes to purchase EDF's local assets by the end of the year

A conglomerate of Polish state-controlled energy company will hopefully acquire the Polish assets of France's EDF by the end of 2017, Deputy Energy Minister Grzegorz Tobiszowski declared on Friday.

read more... 23/01/2017


UK authorization for China-built nuclear reactor will take 5 years

British nuclear regulators are likely to take five years to finalize the approval process for the construction of China's third-generation "Hualong One" reactor in Britain, the China General Nuclear Corporation (CGN) declared on Friday.

read more... 16/01/2017


Bosnia's largest utility generates 5% more electricity in 2016

Bosnia's largest power utility Elektroprivreda BiH (EPBiH) declared on Friday it produced 7,245 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity in 2016, more than 5 percent up from a year before on the back of record coal production.

read more... 16/01/2017
