Latest news

European electricity sector to play a major role in sustainable generation

The European electricity industry engaged in playing the main role in the switch to a more sustainable energy production.

read more... 30/01/2018


Electric station in Northern Ireland might close

One of Northern Ireland’s major power stations is likely to close, potentially reducing 270 jobs.

read more... 29/01/2018


ORE Catapult is looking for partner for offshore innovation center

The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult is looking for a collaboration with a UK university to create a new research hub. The projected center would combine academic and industry skills to hasten electrical infrastructure research and expansion activities linked to offshore green energy technologies.

read more... 19/01/2018


Egypt hopes to boost its power capacity by 20 GW before 2020

In the next two years, Egypt plans to increase its electrical generation capacity by 20 GW.

read more... 17/01/2018


New self-driving electric vehicle launched by Toyota

Toyota inaugurated their new mobility ecosystem and concept vehicle at the Consumer Electronics Show, the world’s largest technology fair which started on Tuesday in Las Vegas.

read more... 11/01/2018
