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The inauguration of one of the largest wind parks in France

A new wind park was inaugurated in France by GDF Suez.

read more... 19/07/2010


EDF and TOTAL will decide on LNG terminal construction this year

EDF and Total announced that the final decision about investment in the LNG plant in northern France will be taken by the end of this year.

read more... 01/07/2010


France power production recovers after unions strike

France suffered a 7,000 MW power output cut during massive demonstrations of union members all over the country on Thursday, including 6,000 MW losses in nuclear sector.

read more... 28/06/2010


France will take part in South Stream project

The memorandum concerning the number of shares transferred to the French company EDF was signed last Saturday, at Economic Forum in Sankt Petersburg.

read more... 22/06/2010


France among the less polluter in the world

With an annual amount of 9 tons of CO2 emissions per inhabitant, France has lower CO2 emissions than other most developed countries, due to the dominance of non-releasing gas emissions generating power sources: nuclear (77%) and hydroelectricity (12%).

read more... 21/06/2010
