Energy Market Price is a service of Market Intelligence Group SA.

The mission of EnergyMarketPrice is clear:

"To provide content technology solutions to all the energy market"

The technology solution is available to implement with all players in the market, going from energy buyers, energy consultants (as a back office application) and to energy suppliers who want maintain the right relation with their customers.

Through, we give access to our clients to price assessments, indices, news and reports related to the energy and renewable energy industry. Prices are updated on a daily basis and cover the oil, gas, power, renewable, coal and economic market segments.

Next to general energy related information and data, EnergyMarketPrice develops specific customized reports, going from showing personal pricing to hedge reports for energy managers, to follow up their budgets in a full automated way, to specific energy statistics report on all European countries and BRIC.

More than 100,000 energy professionals worldwide receive and relies on our news and insights.

Our customers range from the end users to utility industry, regulators, traders, investment funds, universities and consultants.

The energy portal contains more than 8000 markets and 2.5 millions data points on energy to download from our site.

For more information about our company or our methodology, please contact us.